la lune bleue

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In fact, Valentino decided that streaking around Sophie’s neighborhood was the best way to spend Prank Day.

Sophie’s brother, Valentino, ends up coming over quite frequently and hanging out for hours. I think he’s trying to get away from the chaos of the three kids situation he has going on at home.

Sophie selfies from her various acting gigs.

Sophie’s “Risky” death scene.

This is Sophie’s pre-audition ritual.

Rain storm in Del Sol Valley

peacemaker-ic: Sophisticated Panelling – Narrow and Wide Painted Panels in 40 Colours I really loved the last panelling I made and had another idea for a different design. So off to blender i went, and after baking and making the… Continue Reading →

whyeverr: Del Sol Valley Redux | Orchid A Go Go “Not the most lavish of bars in Del Sol Valley but you can surely find some low to mid-level celebrities hanging out enjoying the more grungy atmosphere.” I’m not so… Continue Reading →

Sophie takes a little nap after her yoga routine.  I love the peacefulness of her backyard. You can hear the birds chirping and the wind chimes ringing. @simsontherope did an amazing job on this home.

Oh look, Wendell’s a bouncer now, too.

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