
Hey everyone, this is Hugo. He’s my friend Marianne’s sweet boy. He has a loving daddy named Chris and a beautiful big sister named Lulu.

Last weekend he celebrated his first birthday.  This week he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive tumor called an Atypical teratoid rhabtoid tumor (ATRT). The prognosis is not good. As a mother myself, I can’t even begin to fathom what they are going through right now.

However, they are going to fight it tooth and nail and cling to any chance, however small, of a recovery. 

This is where you come in.  Friends of the family have started a fundraising page to help raise money for expenses, as Hugo’s treatment will involve long-distance travel, and Marianne is the main breadwinner for the family. It would be a huge help for them not to have to worry about money as they wage this war. 

The outpouring of support thus far has been unreal, but more help is still needed. Even if it’s $5, it’s something that will help pay travel and lodging expenses, food, and the household bills.

If you can donate, do so here.

If you can’t, please just keep Hugo and his family in your thoughts, and send many good wishes their way. At a time like this, we need to show people that we have their back.

Thank you for listening. Much love to all of you.