This little tutorial will help you create your own seamless patterns from scratch. It’s easier than it looks, I promise. I’m including a floral shape palette that I made in Illustrator. You can use this .psd to follow the tuto and/or in your own creations or CC making or recolors or whatever your heart desires. A shout back is appreciated but not required.
1. On the preferences menu, be sure to select Units and Rulers and set rulers to pixels. Then create a new document with 1000x1000px;
2. Go to View and make sure your workspace is set to show rulers (ticked) and snap to grid is also ticked;
Note: the shapes are inside folders in the layer panel, with labels for easy access. If you’re handy with PS and prefer to use them instead of loading the shape palette, skip to step 8.
3. Click and hold the rectangle tool to open the custom shape menu;
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