Fall – Part 4 Elliot has reached the top of his career and is now an International Super Spy. He has the ability to raid the criminal hideout out now. It was kind of a disappointment, though, he didn’t get… Continue Reading →
Fall – Part 3 The house almost got robbed, but luckily, the Wynn’s have a burglar alarm installed outside. The police officer quickly took him away. Charlotte’s taken on the cooking in the family. She’s not particularly thrilled, but it’s… Continue Reading →
Fall – Part 2 Charlotte went to prom by herself, but came home with a new romantic interest, Spencer Best. She was also voted prom queen. Elliot had been working so hard on getting to the top of  his career… Continue Reading →
Summer – Part 4 Kelsey and Joannie stopped by in the middle of the night to say hi to everyone. The next day it was time for Kerry’s birthday. Elliot got up early and baked her a cake for her… Continue Reading →
Summer – Part 3 Vincent spent some time with Oliver the night before his birthday. The next day, Kerry bought a cake for the occasion. Oliver is now a rebellious, perceptive loner. After Oliver’s birthday, Elliot and Kerry rolled up… Continue Reading →
Summer – Part 2 Everyone was helping to care for Oliver now that Kelsey was gone. Charlotte is giving him bottles instead of stealing candy from him and Kerry finally taught him how to walk. Charlotte doesn’t understand why she… Continue Reading →
Summer – Part 2 After Charlotte’s ballet recital, Elliot took her out for a fancy dinner at the bistro. Kerry ended up missing both to stay home with little Oliver. Before anyone could get any cake together for her birthday,… Continue Reading →
Spring – Part 8 As spring ended, Oliver and Elliot had birthdays. Unfortunately, there was no time to celebrate. Elliot and Kerry were both working long hours and had little energy for buying cakes and planning parties. Kerry eventually did… Continue Reading →
Spring – Part 7 After Kelsey’s death, Charlotte tried her best to keep Oliver happy until her dad and Kerry got home from the bistro. Elliot felt guilty that his poor children had witnessed his mother’s death and had been… Continue Reading →
Spring – Part 6 On Love Day, Elliot took Kerry and Charlotte down to the festival, while Kelsey stayed home with Oliver. It rained most of the morning, but finally cleared up in the afternoon. Charlotte decided that she wanted… Continue Reading →
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