la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content


sims 3

Charlotte sees Ludo after their classes and invites him home for some romancing. It looks like I forgot to make sure the carpet matched the drapes in his wolf form for poor Ludo.

Rainbow at the University

Poppy finishes her homework and then sings a song to Lucky. She instantly rolls the lifetime wish to be a vocal legend.

Penelope interrupts Gator’s work on the car for a kiss and an autonomous request to try for a baby.

Poor Poppy fell victim to her mother’s prank. Penelope had set that toilet up the day they moved to Auberon. I’m not sure why it didn’t go off before now.

I thought Gator was getting Wolff out of his crib to feed him. He instead drops Wolff out in the shed so the little guy can howl at the moon.

Poppy asks Gator to read her a bedtime story. I’ve never seen this interaction actually work out before. It was very sweet.

Rainy day in Auberon

Charlotte woke up early to make a quick breakfast before she had to run off to her first class.

Snowy scenery from University

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