By the time Charlotte and Cid made it back to her place, it was snowing heavily. Charlotte invited him to move in and be her roommate like he was last year. Cid agreed, but then immediately started complaining about the… Continue Reading →
Charlotte and Cid decide to become reaquainted in the photo booth.
The first thing on Charlotte’s agenda was to hook-up with Cid. He seemed happy to see her.
Unfortunately, when Charlotte arrived at the university, the other house was unavailable, so she had to rent a different, smaller home.
It always cracks me up to see Gator, all wolfed out, riding home on his candy bike. Story Progression had gifted him with it before he moved in and married Penelope.
Penelope barely manages to make it in the door before she passes out from lack of sleep. Meanwhile, Poppy goes down on her way home. Poor girl didn’t get much sleep the night before, either, and then tried to ride… Continue Reading →
Penelope heads off to work as a Traveller of Time and Space. She’s up to level 8 in the Fortune Teller career. Hopefully, she lasts the whole day, she didn’t get much sleep the night before.
Poppy autonomously gets started on her homework about an hour before the bus shows up.
Jin seems determined to finish that car, even in death.
Gator tries to start a water balloon fight with Penelope.
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