la lune bleue

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sims 3

University Scenery

University Scenery

Charlotte got invited to a frat party. She immediately got dared to a game of juice-pong with Ludo. After Charlotte beat Ludo, she was dared to start a fight. Mahmoud Yavari was the lucky sim that she chose to pick… Continue Reading →

Blue skies at the University

While Charlotte was practicing her kicky ball, around the corner poor Lizzie Mund set her butt on fire somehow. I have no idea how she did it and no one ever came to put her out.

Another day, another class.

Charlotte got home from a party that never happened and immediately rolled a want to woo hoo Cid. Nevermind the fact that he’s already got a girlfriend named Billie Jean. I’m blaming the full moon. ;p

Foggy day at University

Charlotte’s first day of classes mainly consists of her running from class to class. She does have a little time in between to rile up her fellow students against the horrors of politics and laugh at poor passed out vampires.

Charlotte got up early and hit the shower before Cid even woke up. He seems to be a bit of an art snob. They soon head off to their first day of classes.

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