There goes the last of Generation Two. RIP Isaac.
Charlotte’s first show goes really well, except for one minor hair burning incident. Her Uncle Logan and Cousin Bradley came out to support her and enjoyed the show. Well, Logan did, Bradley looks disturbed.
Nothing like some naked video games before your first big performance.
Charlotte finishes off another opportunity while she waits for her performance on Sunday.
Random shots of the beach in Starlight Shores
I know I’ve said it before, but Kerry drinks constantly. Before work, after work, day off, whatever it is, she’s hanging out at the bar drinking. She had a few before work and missed John Burb almost drowning. She must’ve… Continue Reading →
News Around Town Poor Vivienne is having troubles with her husband, Logan Wynn. I can see why with how mean he was to her on Snowflake Day. I’m a little creeped out by Bradley and Michaela hooking up since they’re… Continue Reading →
Charlotte spends the rest of her Saturday performing for tips at the park. She earns enough to get promoted to level 3.
Kerry hits up the bar again and then gives me the evil eye for noticing.
Elliot got invited to hang out with his work colleague, Ophelia Greenbottom. They mainly chatted about work, while a local reporter took pictures. I love that paparazzi’s outfit. Ophelia is Penelope Greenbottom’s (my wishacy founder) mother in an alternate game…. Continue Reading →
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