la lune bleue

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sims 3

I think Penelope is happy with her choice. All of her wants revolve around Gator and Poppy. There have been none for Valentino in a long time.

Gator and Penelope both get up when little Poppy cries, as they take turns caring and cuddling her.

Oh, yeah, by the way, Gator’s a werewolf.

Some wedding night fun!

Penelope and Gator have a quick, quiet ceremony at home.

The Proposal

When they get home, Penelope immediately gets started on her wish of making Gator her husband. He happily agrees to be her boyfriend.

Gator runs to make it to hospital before Penelope gives birth. She delivers a healthy baby girl and named her Poppy.  Poppy is an evil virtuoso. She’s also a fairy, like her mother.

The baby decides that it’s time to make it’s arrival, so Penelope drives herself to the hospital.

Goodbye, Jin! Sorry that things didn’t work out. I’ll miss your naked jam sessions.

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