Penelope is off to work. She’s been promoted to Palm Reader.
Fall – Part 2 Charlotte went to prom by herself, but came home with a new romantic interest, Spencer Best. She was also voted prom queen. Elliot had been working so hard on getting to the top of his career… Continue Reading →
Random scenery from Grey’s Harbor
Since there weren’t a lot of single guys in the neighborhood, I added Valentino Constantine for Penelope. She immediately rolled a wish to talk to him. Unfortunately, in the time that it took for her to invite him over, he… Continue Reading →
Fall – Part 1 Vincent says hello! Elliot and Charlotte spend some father/daughter bonding time down at the Rodeo-Go-Go, while Kerry works. Elliot finally finished the generation goal, so now everything is set for Charlotte to take over when she… Continue Reading →
Poor Penelope, getting probed for nothing. It’s too bad females don’t get pregnant from alien abductions.
Playing in the rain.
Penelope had a wish to go to China, so off she went. She danced at the hostel, ate some food, met a few locals, and then had the wish to go home. What a boring vacation. Now she’s flat broke… Continue Reading →
After a long night of boozing, dumpster diving is next on the agenda. Penelope ends up finding a llama action figure and a little round rug. I think Scooter is tired of Penelope coming home late and stinky.
Penelope is on the hunt for her first romance. She got the wish to hang out with someone and I picked Young Jae Pham-Sung. Unfortunately for Penelope, she just found out that he’s married and has a baby on the… Continue Reading →
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