la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content


sims 3

Spring – Part 1 Spring is here and the snow is melting away! Cornelius hangs out in Weston’s room again. Logan and Elliot get out and rake up the leaves from fall, while Vincent gets to work on the car…. Continue Reading →

Winter – Part 5

Winter – Part 4 Cornelius and Kia stayed until late morning. You know, for not liking children, they spent a lot of time in Weston’s room. Kia decided to help herself to some breakfast while Vincent refined his writing skills…. Continue Reading →

Winter – Part 3 Time for Weston’s birthday! He looks like his mother, except for his grandma’s eyes and hair color. Logan invited Vivienne over for cake before the prom. She decided that the best seat in the house was… Continue Reading →

Winter – Part 2 And the many snow days begin. I think the boys only made it to school one day this winter. Logan took the opportunity to hang out with the other teens down at the Toadstool. He met… Continue Reading →

Winter – Part 1 It’s a lazy Sunday for the Wynn family. Vincent decided to get a fixer upper for the family to work on together. It gets cold out there, though, so he’s got to warm up by the… Continue Reading →

Fall – Part 8 Fall ends with a light snowfall and a visit from Grandpa Cornelius. Logan and Elliot are thrilled to see him. Vincent spends some quality time with little Weston, while Logan and Elliot work on their skills.

Fall – Part 7 Logan’s birthday arrives and he gains the Artistic trait. His favorite activity now, though, is playing video games with Elliot. Later that night, Weston Wynn makes his way into the world. I swear, my game only… Continue Reading →

Random pics of Corinne

I decided that since this is my cheat-all-I want save, that the aliens changed her into one of them. She first acquired the black eyes. She then eventually developed the pointy ears and the skintone.

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