la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content


sims 4

Aww! Porkchop dug up a present for Reyna.

Porkchop was that he was finally home.

Well, I panicked after reading the curse and realized that her cabin had no stove to cook on, so I sent her home to make her cure. After she was cured, she received a blessing by the Ancients.

Poor Reyna did not choose wisely and got cursed first. *oops, forgot to get my cursor out of the way before I took the screenshot.

Reyna made it to the final prize.


Sorry that I’ve been quiet for a bit. My son’s 7th birthday was last month and we are all on spring break this week. It’s been hard to find the time to keep up with my dashboard or post anything… Continue Reading →

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