la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content


sims 4

This is George’s favorite spot to sleep.

Blizzard in Brindleton Bay

Santino Constantine

As soon as Valentino made it home, Dina went into labor. They quickly dropped the kids off at day (night?) care and went to the hospital.

Yay! Cake!

Happy Birthday, Sophie! It’s only taken a little over 3 years for you to age up from a child to a young adult! I play way too slow.

While Dina naps, Valentino takes Felix over to his little sister, Sophie’s, birthday party. She lives on her own in Kali Beckman’s old apartment in San Myshuno. It’s really cool that they can give gifts now for birthdays and holidays.

Dina gets a quick nap in while their current baby, Stella, sleeps.

Dina had to run outside to see when it started to snow. She’s also expecting again.

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