Penelope works on the old car as the moon rises.
Luckily, Gator’s on it and Wolff’s feeling fresh and clean. Maybe one day Penelope will start rolling wishes for her kids.
Wolff is now a toddler! His first action is to pick his nose. Poor guy really needs a diaper change.
Poppy and Lucky
After Gator feeds Wolff and everyone has gone to sleep, Jin decides to stop by for a visit. What do you mean? There’s absolutely nothing creepy about sitting in the rocking chair watching your old rival sleep.
Apparently, Penelope’s mac and cheese is not very good. It doesn’t seem to stop Gator from wolfing it down, though.
Sweet little Scooter sleeps in the living room dreaming of a fish dinner.
Penelope and Gator make sure Poppy is fed. Gator then puts her down for the night.
Penelope finally rolled a wish to repair the shower. I didn’t realize that the fairy repair option meant that she shrunk down in size to do it. I wish that she’d roll a wish to wash it, that dang shower… Continue Reading →
Gator does most of the child care for Wolff. Penelope, despite having the Family-Oriented trait, never seems to roll any wishes for him or Poppy.
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