la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content



simmenycricket: SAGUARO BUNGALOW | CC FREE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom Lot size: 30×20 Cost: §121,368 Tray file Downloads here Gallery ID: Simmenycricket I own all packs except the vampire one and I’ve used stuff from pretty much all of them…. Continue Reading →

theplumbobarchitect: // PARENTHOOD EXTENDED HORIZONTAL WINDOW – add-ons Update 25/06/17:For some really stupid reason, I didn’t notice I hadn’t cloned the light source from the window onto the windows (except for the double base and the override). This results in… Continue Reading →

saurussims: Basic Tops for Males I have a ton of basic t-shirts for men, but not nearly enough long sleeved versions, nor dress shirts or basic hoodies of course. So here we are; five very basic every day tops for… Continue Reading →

deetron-sims: Longer Skirt + Short Cardi for that spring weather that isn’t quite warm enough but, not that cold either. Comes in @javabeandreams​ / @hamburgercakes​‘ Rifle Paper Co. patterns and a bunch I begged @simlaughlove​ for! Thanks to @simlaughlove​ and… Continue Reading →

renorasims: Hi Everyone! This hair was looooong(!) overdue and with a gentle push in the right direction by @peachtonium​ it’s finally here. Also a very big thank you to @blogsimplesimmer who helped me figure out the bug it had way… Continue Reading →

storylegacysims: These heels have been on my to-do list for a while, but with the increase in comments being made about the Luxury Party Stuff Pack, I decided to move them up on the list! I can say with confidence… Continue Reading →

mousysims: I never would have used this base game lingerie set so I tried to improve it a bit! the stand-alone version has 14 swatches with the original floral lace and 14 without; the override version has 9 swatches with… Continue Reading →

plumbobteasociety: Rustic Romance Stuff for Sims 4 The love child (hah!) of @litttlecakes and @zx-ta, with help from @applezingsims, @deetron-sims, @femmeonamissionsims, @javabeandreams, @magnolianfarewell, @simlaughlove, @teanmoon, and @wyattssims. Happy Valentine’s Day, simmers. Love is in the air! We’re proud to share with you our latest project. With… Continue Reading →

leeleesims1: Frohawk – A BGC Hair I was wondering what I wanted to do with the new hair that came with the last patch, and it hit me like a ton of bricks: A Frohawk!  So here ya’ll go! Not… Continue Reading →

acsimmer: mary hair | download Although I uploaded the curly hair first on this Tumblr, this hairstyle was the very first hairstyle I ever made using the Sims 4 Studio. I called this hairstyle Mary, after Mary Shelley, the author… Continue Reading →

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