la lune bleue

sims 4 pictures & custom content



Evangeline goes for a jog around the park.

Evangeline’s first attempt at making breakfast doesn’t go so well.

It’s time for Evangeline’s birthday! I chose the creativity aspiration for her along with the muser trait. She gained the creatively gifted trait because she completed her childhood aspiration of artistic prodigy.

I missed Enzo’s birthday, but here he is munching on some cereal before his first day of school. I picked rambunctious scamp for his aspiration and goofball for his trait.

Will you get this guy off me? Please?

Enzo Rose joined the family! He doesn’t look super happy to be here.

Baby time! This time Stella decides to head to the hospital. Caiphus runs off ahead of her. Sorry, I got to playing and forgot to take pictures.

I decided that since Stella hasn’t rolled anymore wants for babies, I’d force the issue before they became elders. She looks super thrilled.

Family time.

Stella’s birthday! Somewhere before now, Caiphus had his birthday, too, I must have missed taking pictures of it.

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