la lune bleue

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willow creek

Valentino invites Miranda Flannigan and Sawyer Rose out for some fun at the Rattlesnake Juice bar. He’s been flirting back and forth with each of them. So far it hasn’t caused any troubles.

Mara enjoys her morning coffee on the toilet.

I moved the Constantines into the legacy neighborhood next. They live in the TS4 version of this home that I made. There’s Salvatore, Mara, Valentino, and Sophie. Salvatore wants to be the Friend of the World. Mara has the Master… Continue Reading →

Sean finishes off his day with some night fishing.

Before bed, Liam and Miranda finish up on their homework.

Sean and Mary are constantly flirting with each other, even if it’s across the kitchen.

After school, Miranda invites her new friend, Valentino Constantine, over for some conversation and tv.

Mary took a job in the painter career, so she’s working on her daily career requirements.

Sean starts off his day with a jog around the neighborhood.

Sean finished out his day fishing.

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